3 Moods in Spanish
Hunter Stevens
TypeScript Developer, Part-Time Spanish Teacher
Moods in Spanish are known as “modos verbales”, which include the indicative, the subjunctive, and the imperative. They are ways to organize/group different types of speak in a language.
The indicative mood is used to talk about facts and situations that actually exist. It includes tenses such as present, past (both), conditional, and future.
“Yo estoy cansado” (I am tired)
“Yo comí” (I ate)
“Él correrá” (He will run)
The subjunctive mood is used to talk about hypotheticals or uncertainties, wishes, or even opinions. It includes tenses such as present, past and future.
“Yo estuviera cansado” (I would be tired)
“El comiera” (He would eat)
“Ellos sigan” (They should go on).
The imperative mood is used to give orders or instructions.
“Come” (Eat!)
“Levántate!” (Stand up!)
“Deja de llorar” (Stop crying!)
I hope this helps! Buena suerte amigos! 🤠