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Por vs. Para

Hunter Stevens - Vertical Spanish

TypeScript Developer, Part-Time Spanish Teacher

Alright, let's dive straight into the world of Spanish prepositions "por" and "para". They both can be translated as "for" in English, but they are used differently.

Remember, while "por" and "para" can both mean for, the key difference lies in their use.

Mental Model:

  • "por" as the cause or reason
  • "para" as the goal or purpose.

Examples with Por:

"Voy a la escuela por autobús." I go to school by bus // transportation

"Estudié por dos horas." I studied for two hours // durration

"Lo hice por amor." I did it for love // motive or reason

"Compré el libro por cinco dólares." I bought the book for five dollars. // exchange

"Lo hice por ti." I did it for you // On behalf

Examples with Para:

"Estudio para aprender." I study in order to learn // Purpose or goal

"Este regalo es para ti." This gift is for you // Recipient

"Voy para Madrid." I am going to Madrid // Destination

"La tarea es para mañana." The homework is for tomorrow // Deadline

"Para mí, el chocolate es delicioso." For me, chocolate is delicious // Opinion
  • With practice, you'll get the hang of it! I just takes time!

Happy learning, amigos! 🤠